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How to balance your training with your menstrual cycle 🪷 ?

How to balance your training with your menstrual cycle 🪷 ?


Hi  everybody !



  • Today i want to do a little article about training and menstruations especially for us woman🪷 .
  • I had really issues to understand my body about this period of the month where we have sometimes a change of mood, a change of our body, and a change of energy.
  • Unfortunately we tend to neglect that us woman we dont have the same biology of men, in many times we use to not listen to our body signal, especially for trainings where the standards are more for masculine people especially in term of frequency of training.



  • Of course all women are not the same, but i really do think that it will be better for our health to more prepare ( if we can of course), this period of the month in order to balance our hormones. Because balance of our hormones and metabolism is the key to lose and maintain a balance weight in a healthy way, to be in a good health as well physically and mentally.
  •  In this article we will only talk about natural hormones synthyzed by the body in a natural way🌿 .




1- Basis of Menstrual cycle



  • A regular menstrual cycle lasts 25 to 32 days but there may be individual variations depending on
  • intrinsic factors such as genetics, age, ethnic origin
  • extrinsic factors, such as the environment (chemical pollution, emotional stress, nutrition, lifestyle.




There are two principal phases in ovulation



  • The estrogenic or follicular phase 🪷


The follicle is a mass of ovarian cells containing an ovocyte bathed in a liquid called follicular fluid. it is the functional unit of the ovary because it participates in the release of ovocytes and the production of hormones.


  • The lutheal or progesteronic phase (after the release of estrogens) 🌺


Following ovulation, the follicle released from the ovocyte transforms into the corpus luteum. It actively participates in the smooth progress of the early stages of pregnancy by secreting progesterone.




2-Role of hormones and Impact on the metabolism 🌹







Estradiol effect on psychology and metabolism



  • Estradiol, like progesterone, has a general impact on cognitive function, metabolism and the nervous system.
  • These two hormones interact in synergy with the entire hormonal and metabolic system.




Effect on Mood, anxiety, and cognitive function 



  • Anxiolytic effect ; according to some studies, anxiety levels fluctuate depending on the estradiol level of the menstrual cycle.


  • However, these studies are few in number in humans. (Farage et al. 2008). Some studies in women have shown an increase in anxiety symptoms (irritability, insomnia, anxious concerns) during periods of low estradiol levels (premenstrual, pre-postmenopausal).


  • This can be explained by the fact that, norrmal fluctuations in ovarian hormones may modify the impact of stressful psychosocial events by presenting greater vulnerability to psychosocial stress during low estradiol phases of the menstrual cycle. (kimberly alt and col september 2015)


  • In effect the changes of mood and anxiety are more linked to a higher sensitivity of social stress, because of our  lifestyle and our exposure to stress either emotional, physical, nutritional and environmental.


  • Estradiol would also have a positive effect on the dopaminergic system, because it increases the feeling of motivation.
  • Estrogen increases the function of several neurotransmitter systems, serotonin, acetylcholine and catecholamines (dopamine etc.).
  • Estrogen activates serotonin synthesis and receptors.
  • There is a greater risk of mood disorders during periods of great hormonal variability. (age, premenstrual and postmenstrual phases, pre or postmenopausal phase) especially if the lifestyle doesn't change.Of course everything also depends on the degree of emotional satisfaction and the degree of exposure to psycho-social stress.
  • They have a neuromodulatory and neuroprotective effect
  • Oestrogen increase the ability to do complex cognitive task and actions



Effect of oestrogen on metabolism



  • Estrogens play an important role in energy homeostasis, the regulation of eating behavior and energy expenditure ⚡.
  • According to certain studies, it increases energy expenditure and reduces appetite for food.
  • Estrogen improves muscle strength and mass and increases collagen content. The amount of estrogen reportedly varies 10 to 100 times during the menstrual cycle.
  • There are estrogen receptors in all musculoskeletal tissues.
  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • Also there ise also a production of testosterone during the follicular phases at a lower level of men of course.


This is the reason why most women have more energy during this phase because of higher metabolic activity depending of their hormonal secretions who affects every other metabolism.






Progesteron effect on psychology and metabolism



  • The relationship between progesterone and mood is not well understood , there is fewer articles on his effect on female body.
  • Natural progesterone synthesized by the body has a soothing, tranquilizing or even sedative effect.🌿
  • It transforms into a neurosteroid (allopregnanolone) which acts on GABA receptors.
  • Progesterone deficiency (stress can be a cause) can lead to varying levels of anxiety, anger and rage
  • An increase in progesterone levels during the lutheal phase is normally accompanied by lower levels of aggression, irritability and fatigue.
  • Because progesterone receptors are located in the emotional center of the limbic brain.
  • So there is a link between progesterone and emotions !


  • If the body's rhythm is respected, the energy level and libido increase.
  • Studies show that chronic daily stress is associated with a reduction in estradiol and progesterone levels and therefore with a risk of anovulation.
  • Mood fluctuations are more due to chronic psychosocial or physical stress, or nutrition deficiency, than to the primary function of hormones.
  •  It increases intestinal permeability and in the event of poor nutrition, can cause the passage of endotoxin and therefore a depressive affect during the lutheal phase.



Progesteron effect on metabolism



  • Progesterone has important effects on the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
  • The goal is to prepare the body for a potential pregnancy (increased storage, sedative effect)
  • There is an induction of hyperinsulinemia with glycogen storage
  • There is also an Hypercatabolism on protein metabolism, and a diversion of increased glucose use, from muscle and fat, to other tissues, and glycogen synthesis by the liver.


Because of the higner level of progesteron the lutheal phase is not a phase, in my opinion where a high stress level either physical or emotional is great for the body, especially when you get older. The body thanks to progesteron is on a slow mode, to relax, gain fat and slow the metabolism to prepare the body for a potential pregnancy.



3 - Impact of training during the different phases of menstrual cycle



Follicular phase



  • As seen previously, the follicular period is the phase most suitable for higher intensity training, and for mass gain if the metabolism and lifestyle is respected.
  • Estrogen levels increase to peak at ovulation.
  • This is a phase where the level of energy and motivation are the highest due to the presence of estrogen and testosterone.
  • The lutheal phase is a phase where, from a hormonal point of view, less demand for metabolic, emotional or physical stress should be favored.
  • It seems more judicious to favor rest with longer sleep, low-intensity training, or even relaxation (type yoga, pilates, stretching, walking) -
  • We limit emotional stress as best as possible 
  • We limit the frequency of training, to allow hormonal balance and physical and psychological well-being


  • At the nutritional level for both phases, you must pay attention to your diet.
  • Note that the follicular phase is marked by an increase in metabolism of 10% 🥗
  • The increase of intestinal permeability during the lutheal phase increases the potential passage of toxins into the bloodstream, which can affect mood. hence the importance of monitoring nutritional quality during this phase.
  • Therefore increasing the quantities of good quality carbohydrates, lipids and protein is important in connection with the increase in progesterone in preparation for pregnancy.
  • Always listen to your body and adapt on how you are feeling.
  • Don't underestimate the symptoms of fatigue.
  • Supplementation with magnesium and vitamin B may be necessary in the pre-menstrual phase, do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.





  • The physiology of women is different from men. It requires an adaptation of lifestyle, in terms of management of physical or psychological stress factors, nutrition, sleep and training with a view to optimal mental and physical health.
  • From this point of view, training, nutrition and the impact of stress must be adapted to the woman's physiology while respecting her metabolic and hormonal capacities throughout her cycle.
  • Be careful to always listen to your body's signals in terms of fatigue and post-exercise in term of sleeping, nutrition, emotional and physical well-being, recovery especially when you take age.
  • In my opinion lutheal and menstrual should not be a period of high stress training or emotionnal stress but it always depends on individuals.


I hope this article was helpful for you

Thank you so much for your readings and don't hesitate to put a comment below on how you manage your training, nutrition and emotionnal stress during your menstrual cycle .

Kisses ;-)



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