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Impact of emotions on your metabolism and your physical body

Impact of emotions on your metabolism and your physical body


⭐Hi everybody !




  • Today i want to share with you a new article about the impact of emotions on your metabolism and your physical body.
  • This article is essential because, we used to neglect the impact of the emotions on our body.
  • In effective what we feel inside lead to nervous and metabolic secretions.
  • So we are going to see that in details today in a simply way 🎀 !





1- Anatomy of emotions 🧠




  •  Many scientists are researching the neuroanatomy of emotions.
  • The anatomy of the emotional system is a multifunctional structure which functions in synergy whether at the level of the brain, bringing together different areas.
  • To simplify There are three main areas of emotion management in our human body which are in permanent interconnection

    • The limbic system, which is connected with different sensory areas (vision 👁️, hearing ,👂🏾 smell 👃 and kinesthetic sensations🦵🏽), motor area (via the motor nuclei of the brain and other structures inducing motor reactions) and memory ( temporal lobe) of the brain
    • The autonomic nervous system, both orthosympathetic and parasympathetic which, depending on external or internal sensory stimuli, will trigger physiological reactions that are either soothing or excitatory
    • The glandular system, depending on internal or external sensory stimuli, will modify the body's chemical reactions, moving either towards appeasement, or towards action or excitement.


  • The limbic system, the temporal lobe, the amygdala, and different nuclei which will be directly connected to glands and nerve relays, but also the frontal cortex ( anterior and posterior cingulate cortex) which contains a central structure, involved in the regulation of emotions, but also which will participate in the motor pattern, taking action or not.






 The 2 Principal emotions circuits 💭



Here are 2 simplified emotional circuit diagrams


  • The external emotional circuit caused by external sensory stimuli



External emotions circuit pattern


  • Depending on the nature and intensity of the external stimulus, an internal reaction cascade will be triggered or not.
  • It will be of multiple nature, at the same time emotional, nervous and physiological. A pain impulse reaches both the emotional centers, this clearly shows the permanent interconnection of these systems.


  • The internal emotional circuit



 Internal emotional circuit pattern

  • Caused by thoughts, beliefs, emotions learned by the environment and especially also by the internal state of the organism


  • Another that I wanted to mention and which is often overlooked from my point of view, is the internal emotional cascade .
  • It concerns all emotional behaviors learned and stored in our memory since our childhood, but also emotional behaviors linked to the survival of the species, but also transgenerational.
  • This is why our emotions are also something that we learn due to our familial memory and what we experienced in life in our different environments
  • It is also linked by the internal state of our organism, this is why when there is an imbalance in our organism we feel depressed or maybe we can develop mental issues because the system is in imbalance.





Emotions and actions 🏃🏽‍♀️



  • Emotional and behavioral patterns are linked to several factors









    • The link between memory and emotions or emotional responses is mainly managed by the posterior cingulate cortex 🧠 which is responsible for recalling emotional memories and which is stimulated when we recall past experiences or when we dream.
    • These are emotions learned via our emotional environment 🌄 and past experiences.
    • A healthy, functional and balanced emotional environment 🪷  tends to create better core development and better self-regulation of emotions.
    • A dysfunctional relational environment tend to create dysfunctions or lack of development in these areas, so its affect the emotional auto-regulation system.






      Auditory and visual 👁️ 👂




      • Obviously this is not the only structure, there is also the parahyppocampal gyrus which is responsible for the storage of emotional memories and visual and auditory processing for interpretive purposes what we see has a direct impact on our emotional centers.
      • Soft images 🪷 🌴 would imply a slowing of the heart rate and nervous system. Return to calm and relaxation.
      • On the contrary, more violent, aggressive images , unhealthy or unhealthy behaviors are directly perceived by the brain and cause physiological reactions to increase metabolism.






      Internal and External Stimulus




      • The anterior cingulate cortex is involved in the attribution of emotions to internal or external stimuli such as pain and is responsible for
        And of course the hippocampus which is responsible for creating emotional memories. It helps regulate emotions in part by comparing to similar past events and experiences.







      Danger and Fear ⚠️




      • The amygdal structure is responsible for detecting fear and preparing our body for an emergency
      • Stimulation of this area causes anxiety 🤯 and defensive behaviour survival patterns, generates behavioral motor reactions via the frontal lobe
      • All these structures are connected to each other and functionning in synchronycity.



      2- Metabolism, Hormones and emotions 🧘🏻




      • In the same way our emotions are connected to our hormones via the hypothalamus ( and others structure of course ) which regulates hormones and the autonomic nervous system in response to different stimuli.
      • For example it can trigger the release of insulin, cortisol, increase heart rate 🫀 and redirect blood flow.


      • In cases of chronic and maladaptive emotional stress 🤯 there is a modification of certain brain structures, notably the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex, particularly via regulatory structures such as the posterior cingulate cortex, which will have significant consequences on emotional behavior.


      • Since cortisol is secreted and the body is chemically unbalanced, the body cannot self-regulate if he has a lack of development in these structure or he hasn't learn the pattern to self regulate himself, and will tend, through survival instinct, to develop chemical or behavioral addictions to restore hormonal balance.


      • Here are examples of different hormones that are naturally producted by our body when the body is balanced, both physically and emotionnally.


      • Dopamine is released by neurons to relay information relevant to the emotion of pleasure and reward.
      • For example, when you do something you consider good, such as working out for a full hour, the brain releases dopamine which gives you a feeling of pleasure.


      • Likewise, eating good food 🥗 , releases dopamine in your brain, making you feel good. Dopamine makes you want to do the actions that cause its release in the first place so you can have more pleasure and feel happy.


      • So the difference between your internal dopamine created by something you did great for example, and external dopamine, its that real dopamine is a reward of an act of creativity you did in real life and make you feel more confident, or something that is good for your body (nutrition,sleeping well). its good for your body and health and for your evolution in life.
      • But dopamine that comes from outside many times is because of  a lack of healthy creativity actions and weel-being either emotional or physical in  your daily basis.


      • Serotonin, on the other hand, is responsible for memory and the ability to learn new things. It has also been shown in research to aid in the repair and in some cases even regeneration of injured and damaged neurons. Serotonin also plays a vital role in preventing depression and anxiety.


      • Norepinephrine is responsible for controlling stress levels and anxiety, thats why emotions are linked to the metabolism of cortisol



        • All of these neurotransmitters are in delicate balance in the brain. If for some reason there is an imbalance in neurotransmitter levels, it affects the way you feel and act on emotions in a major way. For example, dopamine is responsible for giving you a feeling of pleasure and happiness, a drop in dopamine levels in your brain will definitely make you less happy, maybe even sad.


        • Lack of serotonin is responsible for depression. A number of clinical studies of people with major depression have found that neurons in their brains are less sensitive to serotonin, leading to depression.



        Emotions, hormones and energy levels



        • If you see the picture which is an experienced made in Finland where they they mapped different parts of the body linked to emotions after interviewing around 700 people. They could obtain this map, and you see the difference between the energetic level ( so hormones and chemicals of the body ) with different emotional states.
        • On the first line you have  Anger, Fear, Disgust and happiness which is totally bright.
        • On the second line you have sadness, neutral, love and depression. So love is a very bright in energy and chemical at the opposite of depression energy.
        • And the last line, you have contempt and shame which are quite low in energy and chemicals
        • You see that the more the emotions is negative, the more of energetic levels are low ( blue in the picture), and the more an emotions is consctructive, the more energetic levels are high ( orange and yellow) on the picture


        • So we see with that experience that the emotional state has an real impact on our metabolism, and on our energetic level because emotions are totally part of our body and functionning inside of it.




        Conclusion 🧘🏾‍♀️




        •  The body is one of the most intelligent life systems 🪷 in the world.
        • It decodes in perfect synchronicity external information 🧬 from the environment and internal information to work towards balance and harmony.
        • When balance is not present it creates dysfunctions, whether emotional, physical or behavioral.
        • The body and emotions are completely inseparable, because emotions are part of the body and there are in the body, they transfer information to the physical body whether internal or external.
          • The only difficulty is to relearn healthy emotional behavior systems to limit the energetic, metabolic and physical impacts on the physical body.
          • To restructure your internal speech because it has a real impact on the physiology of your body
          • To limit and set limits with dysfunctional emotional environments and behaviors whether yours or those of others because they also affect the chemical, hormonal, physiological, immune balance of your body


        • In a way, emotions are part of the physical body, they must be taken into account in improving the health of the body, in the same way as nutrition, physical activity, the environment, sleep.
        • An excessive level of emotions which activates the stress system🤯 in a prolonged manner can in itself cause an illness 🚑 .
        • I think that this approach to the constant interconnectivity between the body, emotions, nervous system, hormones is a very interesting perspective for understanding addictions, and for their treatments.
        • The emotional approach concerning the work of internal discourse, learning limits, self-expression, building one's own emotional well-being, and learning new healthy emotional behaviors, according to one's values seems to be one of the main keys for a positive evolution regarding this type of pathology.



        I hope this article was helpful for you !

        Thank you for your readings, comments and shearing 💖

        See you soon ;-)








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